Sunday, July 21, 2013


So I gained 2 lbs :o( I'm mad about it but I also know that this will happen on my way to my goal. Disappointing as it is I still feel good about the weight Ive lost and I feel so much better already health wise. I'm going to start doing exercise, Richard Simmons workout DVDs since I have a couple of them. They're good work outs for people who are very overweight. You can even do them if you cant stand. Its a workout I can handle and the best part of that is my husband is willing to do it with me and our friend too.

The heat has been terrible the last week. I had planned on walking up to the library to get some exercise but there was no way I was doing it in that heat! Last year we had a pool which was torn down because it was so old. They were going to put a new one up but they didn't feel like it I guess so no swimming for me this year unless I go to a lake somewhere, which freaks me out because you just don't know whats in the water LOL Yep, I am a chicken :o) Tomorrow I have a doctor appointment to get my new scripts for my thyroid and I think my doctor is going to either raise my diabetes medication or change it because its not doing all that good of a job especially when I'm eating really healthy and its still high.  I'm not sure what he will do about my triglycerides which are higher than they were before. That can be caused by my anti depressant or a number of other things. At least its not caused by my cholesterol which is fabulously normal.

I think that after I get home Ill walk to the library and see what books they have, maybe bring one home to read. I have a million books at home but there's something about going to a book store or library that makes me feel good. They have a smell that is welcoming. Plus its quiet and peaceful. Anyhoot, it's time for me to get off of here and get a couple of things done, eat something and then play some xbox with my hubby. I hope you all have a great day!

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