Saturday, June 15, 2013

So Im a lazy blogger

Ok, I know I said Id post pictures and whatnot yesterday but I'm a lazy blogger. lol. So later today Ill try to do that. My starting weight, I'm so embarrassed to say, is 292lbs. Wow. When did I gain so much weight? I have always been overweight. 180 lbs in high school, 220 in my mid 20's but wow. Yeah, its time for change. I don't want to lose weight because its the "thing" to do or to make other people happy. I'm not losing weight to be skinny, I'm never going to be skinny, or to look better. I'm doing it for health reasons. I'm doing it so I don't die in 10 years. I'm doing it so I don't have a heart attack. I'm doing it so Ill be able to get up and move around and not ache and hurt so much. I'm simply doing this, for me and me alone.

My husband has jumped on the band wagon now and is going to try to lose some weight with me. After his accident 6 years ago he went from a very active, healthy man to one who is bound to his bed for most of his time, not being able to walk, or be active. Its caused him to gain about 60 lbs. I still think he's sexy :o)

So later today Ill get those pics up and probably talk about other stuff too. By the way, day 1 of counting carbs went well, although I probably could have had a few more carbs than I did. I only had 8 carbs, I could have had 13. Alright, things to do!

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