Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Weight update!

I just weighed myself and I'm feeling pretty good right now. I'm down to 279 lbs! That means I have lost 17 lbs in a bit less than 2 weeks. The next 2 weeks I'm going to try to get rid of another 5-10 lbs. I'm feeling so much better. 17 lbs isn't all that much weight when you're overweight but what that loss has done for my self esteem is great! Plus I feel like I'm eating much healthier, I am definitely making better choices. I haven't "starved" myself at all. In fact, I have eaten at Mc Donald's 3 times! I have to say I love the new bacon cheese quarter pounder there. Its delicious! But everything is alright, in MODERATION. 

So I thought I would talk about some other things today. One thing which I know most of you can connect with me on is money. Money is so tight right now. My husband as you know is disabled, still on work comp. We don't get very much on work comp. I think people working full time fast food make more than we do per week. When he was injured, we had been working together but I was not able to keep driving on my own due to not being able to put out the same amount of miles as team drivers. So I had to step out of the truck and Dennis needed me to be home to help him anyway. The loss of income has been almost devastating but somehow, by the grace of God, we have managed to get this far without going completely under. We did have a small thrift store that we had to close, but we are still able to sleep with a roof over our heads and put food in our stomachs. Not long ago I came up with a plan to be able to pay off some bills. I managed to get a couple paid off and now I have a bad tooth. Not only do I have one, but Zach, who we take care of, has a bad tooth and now Dennis has one too. I'm thinking to myself, what in the world is going on? So first to be fixed up will be Zach. He broke a tooth that had previously been broken, or rather the crown came off and they have to revamp the tooth to put a new crown on, almost $1,000.00... I had to ask "how much?" again because I couldn't believe how expensive it is. So paying off the bills has to take a back burner, but I'm still sure Ill have a couple paid off by the end of summer, first of fall. Last Christmas was a meek one, I'm hoping that this one will be a great Christmas.

Let me introduce you to the rest of my family :o)
This is the love of my life, Dennis. In August we will have been married for 13 yrs. I couldn't have asked for a better husband. He may have complications in his life but he is still amazing to me and I don't know how I would live without him.

This is Zach. He has brought so many smiles and so much laughter into our lives. Everyone in our family just loves him. He has Aspergers Syndrome which I think adds to his awesome personality. He helps make our days much brighter :o)

This is Jake, he was a wedding gift to each other and is 13 years old. He is such a sweet loving boy!

This is Dixie. When Jake was a year old he wanted to play with other animals so much that we decided to get Dixie for him. She is super smart and we love her to death!

This is Rufus on the left and Beethoven on the right. Both were rescued from the outdoors. Rufus showed up on our doorstep in Louisiana. Beethoven showed up in my step daughters backyard. I cant tell you how much this cat has done for Dennis and his spirits!

This is Friday. We found her trying to keep warm on the ordering pad at Mc Donald's a couple of winters ago. It was 4 degrees outside and  when Dennis opened the door and called to her, she climbed into the car on her own and up onto his chest. It was on a Friday night :o)

That's my family! I hate to stop and rush off, but I have to get something to eat so my sugar doesn't get too low. I hope you all have a great day!

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